Back in 2011, I gave myself a reading challenge. I asked Facebook friends to suggest 10 novels to me, and I promised to read at least one from their list. I read about 35 novels that year, in addition to a few works of non-fiction. It was my last truly great reading year. I've probably read many more books each year since, but I don't think "Good Night, Gorilla" and "Harold and the Purple Crayon" read a bazillion times each is quite the same thing. So I am due for another good reading year, and I decided to give myself a new challenge: in 2016, I plan to read only books by non-white and/or non-western authors.
Now, my reasons for doing this are varied, but primarily, I want to be especially mindful of listening to voices and experiences different from my own. Neuroscientists, using brain imaging technology, reading fiction increases empathy in the reader in that it can improve the reader's ability to put themselves in another's shoes. With all that is happening in the States around race and after a year of living in another country and experiencing life as a non-native-speaking foreigner, I feel as I need to take on this challenge.
I am starting this challenge reading the book by my dear friend, Rev. Sandhya Jha, Pre-Post Racial America: Spiritual Stories from the Front Lines. This passage also sums up why I am taking on this challenge.
In addition, I plan to post a photo a day in2016. This is my photo for January 1.

- Posted from my phone. Please excuse typos (and inadvertent autocorrections).
Now, my reasons for doing this are varied, but primarily, I want to be especially mindful of listening to voices and experiences different from my own. Neuroscientists, using brain imaging technology, reading fiction increases empathy in the reader in that it can improve the reader's ability to put themselves in another's shoes. With all that is happening in the States around race and after a year of living in another country and experiencing life as a non-native-speaking foreigner, I feel as I need to take on this challenge.
I am starting this challenge reading the book by my dear friend, Rev. Sandhya Jha, Pre-Post Racial America: Spiritual Stories from the Front Lines. This passage also sums up why I am taking on this challenge.
In addition, I plan to post a photo a day in2016. This is my photo for January 1.

- Posted from my phone. Please excuse typos (and inadvertent autocorrections).
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